Creating User Controls ― a few good practices

In my previous post, Dealing with GAC atrocities, I talked about code reusability being an important aspect of rapid application development (RAD). User Controls in .NET support code reusability out of the box. Just to remind ourselves, a user control is a control that is created using the same technique we use for creating ASP.NET web pages. We create user controls every now and then in our everyday programming and, at times, we forget to entertain some of its important aspects during the development. For example exposing properties that define its behavior and layout , taking care of the situation where a web page can have multiple instances of a user control etc.

As you probably know that I love to follow the guidelines and like to stick to the checklist whenever possible. I decided to create one for myself containing good practices for user control development. The idea is to come back to this list to see what should go in the user control and what should not. Though, these are not industry standard best practices, I find them very useful in most of the scenarios. Please have a look and let me know what do you have to say about it. Moreover, If there is anything, a procedure, a guideline or even a practice that you think helps you in anyway while writing a user control and saves your time, share it with the world in the comments below.

  1. Every single behavior of a user control should be represented by a public property. More the properties it has, the more it is customizable for the end user. I never forget to write properties that define the important characteristics of my list-type control e.g. AutoPostBack.
  2. Private _AutoPostback As Boolean
    Public Property AutoPostback() As Boolean
    Return _AutoPostback
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
    _AutoPostback = value
    End Set
    End Property

    Private _AllowParentSelect As Boolean
    Public Property AllowParentSelect() As Boolean
    Return _AllowParentSelect
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
    _AllowParentSelect = value
    End Set
    End Property

  3. There will always be only one instance of a user control on a web page is a blind assumption. If the user control looks good and is designed to keep the user friendliness and intuitiveness in mind, people would love to use it than once, sometimes on the same page which might lead to a conflict between their child control IDs. To deal with it, ClientID property can be used in the HTML as well as in the back end.
  4. If AutoPostback = True AndAlso Request.Form("__EVENTTARGET") IsNot _
    Nothing AndAlso Request.Form("__EVENTTARGET").Equals(Me.ClientID + "_categoryMenu") Then

    RaiseEvent OnSelectedIndexChanged(Me, Nothing)

    End If

  5. All the external script files (JavaScript etc.) should always be registered using Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude and Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptIncludeRegistered method to avoid registering duplicate scripts resources for multiple instances of user control on a page.
  6. Private Sub RegisterClientScriptIncludes()

    Dim clientScriptMgr As ClientScriptManager = Me.Page.ClientScript

    If clientScriptMgr.IsClientScriptIncludeRegistered(Me.GetType(), "mcDropdown") = False Then
    clientScriptMgr.RegisterClientScriptInclude(Me.GetType(), "mcDropdown", ClientScriptIncludePath)
    End If

    End Sub

  7. The user control should have no knowledge (no hard-coding), unless required, of any project/application-wide configurations e.g. resource (image/script) file path, connection strings, database column names of the supplied data source, default values etc. We can maintain the abstractness of a control by passing all these values from the page as properties.
  8. Private _DropdownListStyles As String
    Public Property DropdownListStyles() As String
    Return _DropdownListStyles
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
    _DropdownListStyles = value
    End Set
    End Property

    Private _DataTextField As String
    Public Property DataTextField() As String
    Return _DataTextField
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
    _DataTextField = value
    End Set
    End Property

    Private _DataValueField As String
    Public Property DataValueField() As String
    Return _DataValueField
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
    _DataValueField = value
    End Set
    End Property

  9. There is a possibility of a user control being used on a page which does not contain any .NET default server control, hence no sign of __doPostBack JavaScript function definition which can be a serious problem if the user control has to do a PostBack. We can harness GetPostBackEventReference() under ClientScriptManager which returns a string that can be used in a client event to cause Postback to the server.

  10. There is a consistency in the property names e.g. DataSource, DataTextField, DataValueField for all ASP.NET data bound controls because of their support to the standard Windows Forms data-binding model. This helps developers gain familiarity with the control very quickly. We can try wherever possible to maintain this level of friendliness in our user control as well by keeping the property and method names as close to that of default controls. The same goes for event names as well. For example for a user control that is going to behave like a list-type control, we can think of having properties such as DataTextField, DataValueField, DataSource, SelectedIndex etc. and events like SelectedIndexChanged.
  11. Private Sub ddlApplicationStatus_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
    Handles ddlApplicationStatus.OnSelectedIndexChanged

    Dim ctlDropdown As mcDropdown = CType(sender, mcDropdown)
    Dim selectedVal As Integer = ctlDropdown.SelectedValue
    Dim selectedText As String = ctlDropdown.SelectedText

    Catch ex As Exception
    'log exception here...
    End Try

    End Sub

  12. In addition to method and events, a list-type user control should also expose ListItemCollection that gives complete control of the items and facilitates adding, inserting, removing and finding items.

  13. We need to make sure the control is able to maintain its state on PostBacks. It goes in line with the best practice of loading controls when the page is being rendered for the first time.
  14.  If Not Me.IsPostBack Then
    End If

  15. Instead of inheriting our control class directly from System.Web.UI.UserControl class every time, we should first look for an abstract class if it is available that defines the same properties, methods, and events common that we need for our user control. For example ListControl class can be served as the abstract class for all list-type controls and DataBoundControl class for the controls that display their data in list of tabular form.

  16. The default values should be specified for the control properties, hence allowing the user to get the control up and running in very little time.
  17. Private _AllowParentSelect As Boolean
    Public Property AllowParentSelect() As Boolean
    Return _AllowParentSelect
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
    _AllowParentSelect = value
    End Set
    End Property



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